Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday April 13, 2010

It has been a while for the Blog, we have been busy on FaithBook! So we are going to start this whole thing over again, with the first post ever and go from there.

As a "Warrior", I can apprecaite a bad dude. On Sunday February 3rd of this year, I had a cathartic moment in church. Jesus was one bad dude (The word I typically use, is one that is much stronger than "Dude" however). I mean think about it - he tricked Satan into crucifying him - that is BAD! Satan is not stupid, he knew that Jeus could rise if he killed him, but Jesus painted him into a corner, man - that is TOUGH!I cannot even cut my fingernails without whining - and he tricked Satan into this.

I guess it makes me wonder how I can possibly be losing any battles in my life, with someone that "Bad" at my back. I guess I am just fighting the wrong battles most of the time. Every time I fight a battle with him, it seems I have a miracle happen.This is written from a "Warrior's" Point of view. It is a daily blog some of the thing God has done for me, but also the spiderweb effect it has had in my life, with people who have heard of these things before; a chance for them to inpsire others with thier blessings.

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