Thursday, October 14, 2010

Funny, but all too true

from my wife's Facebook page

So I get back from time in prayer at the beach and the boys are upstairs fighting with each other. Sean jokingly yells upstairs "Gee boys, thanks for bringing mommy away from the presence of God!" Then we hear them running downstairs like a herd of elephants "Presents??? You bought us presents?!" Hey, at least it got them to stop fighting!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Remember to Dream

Remember to dream, and dream big! Small dreams are the devil's workshop. Big dreams give the Holy Spirit room to work within the crisis that life will present you. God can give you so much more than you can dream, but you have to give him something to beat.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Be Still

Be Still and know that I am God. What you can get done in 10 years, I can get done in 10 seconds - but you have to allow me to...

Monday, September 20, 2010


Why do people call me omnipotent? It is such a limiting term for my power, billy-goats are omniverous, do you make me sound like something I created? I am beyond omnipotent, I am omni-everything. It is not just all "Powerful" it is beyond that. I can do anything you allow me to, but can you really allow me to? Are you that open, trusting, believing??

Friday, August 27, 2010

Make Today the day

You will have many great days the rest of your life. But let's work together to "Make" today the best day ever. You have control over this - if your definition of success, is serving my Kingdom. Set aside what you are going to do, in the midst of everything all day that is not me, that is of me. We will have many other great days - and terrible things may even happen today - but in 5 years, when we look back together, how will we remember today as a day of service to my kingdom?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pass it on

REPOSTED _ This was the first blog that started all this off some time ago. Felt like reposting it. As a "Warrior", I can appreciate a bad dude. On Sunday February 3rd of this year, I had a cathartic moment in church. Jesus was one bad dude (The word I typically use, is one that is much stronger than "Dude" however).

I mean think about it - he tricked Satan into crucifying him - that is BAD! Satan is not stupid, he knew that Jesus could rise if he killed him, but Jesus painted him into a corner, man - that is TOUGH!I cannot even cut my fingernails without whining - and he tricked Satan into this. I guess it makes me wonder how I can possibly be losing any battles in my life, with someone that "Bad" at my back. I guess I am just fighting the wrong battles most of the time. Every time I fight a battle with him, it seems I have a miracle happen.

This is written from a "Warrior's" Point of view. It is a daily blog some of the thing God has done for me, but also the spiderweb effect it has had in my life, with people who have heard of these things before; a chance for them to inspire others with their blessings.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Do not let the past rule the future

Do Not Let the Past Rule the Future. Don't make decisions based on your past - it is too limited, even if it is good - it is the past of one person out of 6 billion. Trust your instincts and allow all things in the universe to work for god - through you. You cannot see the future I have for you, but you can feel it. Don't think - your thought patterns are based on the past. Feel, your heart is the key to me and my future for you

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fill your life with "My" people

Fill Your Life with My People and I will guide you. Fill your business, your personal life with my people and I will take care of everything else. Don't worry how, I work in ways you cannot see.

Take care of my people first, not worrying about money, time or effort and I will take care of you. But who are my people - are they your people? Are they different than you would want to be around. Can you discern who I died for and did not? It sounds easy, but is it?

Monday, July 19, 2010

I created Time

Always gonig on and on about how busy life is, are you? You still have no idea of my power, compared to what you can achieve. Squeeze time into me and I will multiply it, not me into time.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day Three of the fast

Well, it is day three of the fast, and it is easier than I thought it would be so far, which probably means that it will get tough later on! But I am encouraging people to join me either today, or tomorow - just eat fruits and veggies for a day. That is not what i am doing, but it is what you can do!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day One of the 40 day Fast

Today is the first day of a 40 day fast for me. It is for a few things - I was reading about Ghandi recently, and how he used fasting as a weapon in spiritual warfare. I have fasted often myself - and do not always encourage it for others - but I am using this one to build my inner will (Volition). I am offering it up as a prayer as well for all the churches in Los Angeles - that they are given vision and wisdom and courage.

Anyone reading this is welcome to join me - even for a day - just eat fruits and veggies. Or e-mail me, and I will hold you up in prayer as well that day. Today however, the first day is dedicated to some friends who have a court case today over conservator issues with a disabled family member.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Do Not Let the Past Rule the Future

Do Not Let the Past Rule the Future. Don't make decisions based on your past - it is too limited, even if it is good - it is the past of one person out of 6 billion. Trust your instincts and allow all things in the universe to work for god - through you. You cannot see the future I have for you, but you can feel it. Don't think - your thought patterns are based on the past. Feel, your heart is the key to me and my future for you.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fill Your World with My People

Funny - when I look back at times when business was good and business was bad - there is pretty much only one common theme to it all. i doubt this is the same for everyone, but it is sure what has worked for me - so why do I still not follow it to this day. I am like one of those mice that keeps biting cheese that electorcutes it!

"There is a difference between working for man, and working for me. Fill your life with my people and I will tke care of the rest. Take care of my sheep, and I will take care of you. Stop spending all day marketing and administrating. Spend your time filling your life and business with my people, and just allow me to do the rest for you." - God

Monday, June 14, 2010

Go as Fast as You Want My Son

Go as fast as you want son, I won't let you fall! I have promised you so much, and yet you still hold back. When you were riding bicycles with your son today, and you were behind him, and told him to go as fast as he can, because there was nothing to be afraid of, you would catch him if he fell. He trusted you 100%. Trust me the same, I won't let you fall my son, I promise you, not trust me.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tying the Past, Present and Future Together

When we think of where we've been, we usualy think of things based in relationship - even accomplishments are thought of in terms later on, of how they effected relationships. When we think of where we are, we think of areas of lack or fullness, and often times the future is in terms of wants.

How to look at all three based on our relationship with God? How do we tie all three together and use all three to focus on ur relationship with God, it is not possible. But it is for Christ. It can only be done through him, and when we do, the sense of peace, accomplishment and wonder is amazing.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


We are always looking for revelations of some sort when we pray, answers to our problems and those around us. But the best form of prayer can be like today, where there are no revelations, just hanging with the presence.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

Why do you always fret over money? How is it, that a tool has such ownership over you? How is it that you rather than using the tool, constantly live in fear of it - a tool? I made everything you can sense and feel, including the people who manufacture that tool. Stop fearing the tool and start TRUSTING the maker more.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Stop Making Your Troubles Bigger than Me

Stop making your Problems Bigger than me. I am the force that created the universe that can solve your troubles. As long as you continue to worship misery and pain, you cannot worship me! Stop making your problems bigger than me!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

He Will Attack You Then

The Devil will attack you most when you are tired. it is not coincidence that he attacked Jesus after 40 days in the desert. I wanted to spend more time in prayer recently, but realized that the best thing I could do that day, was to get some rest. We tend to ask God to heal our wounds, but we never rest enough for him to do that.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Let Go and let God

There are two major events coming up that you have to plan. As long as you try to please me, and work as hard as you can, I will take care of the rest. Why are you so worried, you are thinking too much about pleasing other people, rather than God - learn from the lesson of Marta and Marian...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Who is Controlling Who

Riding my bike by the ocean today, I was struck by a sense of awe at my own arrogance. The way I tell God what needs to be done, when and how. I know so much, and God seems to know so little, if you ever listen to the way I pray. I am a drop, yet he formed the oceans with a single word. The drop that controlled the Ocean, someone should write a story about me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Remember to Dream

Remember to dream, and dream big! Small dreams are the devil's workshop. Big dreams give the Holy Spirit room to work within the crisis that life will present you. God can give you so much more than you can dream, but you have to give him something to beat.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thursday April 15, 2010

I am still thinking about this.... I could almost hear jesus saying to me as I look at the cross.

I am the baddest man who ever lived. Not only did I beat Satan, but I died, in order to chase him down to Hell to do so. He trembles at my name, and ONLY my name, I am the only one who chased him to his own backyard, to beat him.

With someone like that at your back, what battles can you be losing

* Also see our Facebook page at!/group.php?gid=310788033320

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday April 13, 2010

It has been a while for the Blog, we have been busy on FaithBook! So we are going to start this whole thing over again, with the first post ever and go from there.

As a "Warrior", I can apprecaite a bad dude. On Sunday February 3rd of this year, I had a cathartic moment in church. Jesus was one bad dude (The word I typically use, is one that is much stronger than "Dude" however). I mean think about it - he tricked Satan into crucifying him - that is BAD! Satan is not stupid, he knew that Jeus could rise if he killed him, but Jesus painted him into a corner, man - that is TOUGH!I cannot even cut my fingernails without whining - and he tricked Satan into this.

I guess it makes me wonder how I can possibly be losing any battles in my life, with someone that "Bad" at my back. I guess I am just fighting the wrong battles most of the time. Every time I fight a battle with him, it seems I have a miracle happen.This is written from a "Warrior's" Point of view. It is a daily blog some of the thing God has done for me, but also the spiderweb effect it has had in my life, with people who have heard of these things before; a chance for them to inpsire others with thier blessings.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Stop Working so hard

There is a difference between working for man, and working for me. Fill your life with my people and I will tke care of the rest. Take care of my sheep, and I will take care of you. Stop spending all day marketing and administrating. Spend your time filling your life and business with my people, and just allow me to do the rest for you.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Go as Fast as You Want My Son

Go as fast as you want son, I won't let you fall! I have promised you so much, and yet you still hold back. When you were riding bicycles with your son today, and you were behind him, and told him to go as fast as he can, because there was nothing to be afraid of, you would catch him if he fell. He trusted you 100%. Trust me the same, I won't let you fall my son, I promise you, not trust me.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pray Once

It was something that came to me all again. Pray once, isn't that what Jesus said. I mean - who is fooling who here - who can do that. Who actually believes that strongly in God and his power. I was actually able to do that once, in a major situation. We say that we have unanswered prayers, but Jesus was clear, that anything we pray for with belief... But who really believes, I can't say that I do. I wish I did, had that ability, but I don't...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Who are You Afraid of?

Why do you always fret over money? How is it, that a tool has such ownership over you? How is it that you rather than using the tool, constantly live in fear of it - a tool? I made everything you can sense and feel, including the people who manufacture that tool. Stop fearing the tool and start TRUSTING the maker more.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Put Me to Work

How you can be complaining about losing, if we are on the same team. Why don't you give me the ball once in while, instead of holding on to it all the time! PUT ME TO WORK! I want ot work with you, for you, through you, but you keep getting in my way.Put me to work and then just get out of my way for once!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jesus Was One Bad Dude

This was the first blog that started all this off some time ago, and every now and then I re-post it.As a "Warrior", I can apprecaite a bad dude. On Sunday February 3rd of this year, I had a cathartic moment in church. Jesus was one bad dude (The word I typically use, is one that is much stronger than "Dude" however).

I mean think about it - he tricked Satan into crucifying him - that is BAD! Satan is not stupid, he knew that Jeus could rise if he killed him, but Jesus painted him into a corner, man - that is TOUGH!I cannot even cut my fingernails without whining - and he tricked Satan into this. I guess it makes me wonder how I can possibly be losing any battles in my life, with someone that "Bad" at my back. I guess I am just fighting the wrong battles most of the time.

Every time I fight a battle with him, it seems I have a miracle happen.This is written from a "Warrior's" Point of view. It is a daily blog some of the thing God has done for me, but also the spiderweb effect it has had in my life, with people who have heard of these things before; a chance for them to inpsire others with thier blessings.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Why do people call me omnipotent? It is such a limiting term for my power, billy-goats are omniverous, do you make me sound like something I created? I am beyond omnipotent, I am omnieverything. It is not just all "Powerful" it is beyond that. I can do anything you allow me to, but can you really allow me to? Are you that open, trusting, believing?

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Do Not Let the Past Rule the Future

Do Not Let the Past Rule the Future. Don't make decisions based on your past - it is too limited, even if it is good - it is the past of one person out of 6 billion. Trust your instincts and allow all things in the universe to work for god - through you. You cannot see the future I have for you, but you can feel it. Don't think - your thought patterns are based on the past. Feel, your heart is the key to me and my future for you.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stop Making Your Problems Bigger Tahn Me

Stop making your Problems Bigger than me. I am the force that created the universe that can solve your troubles. As long as you continue to worship misery and pain, you cannot worship me! Stop making your problems bigger than me!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

He Will Attack You When You are Tired

The Devil will attack you most when you are tired. it is not coincidence that he attacked Jesus after 40 days in the desert. I wanted to spend more time in prayer recently, but realized that the best thing I could do that day, was to get some rest. We tend to ask God to heal our wounds, but we never rest enough for him to do that.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Rest day

Let Go and Let God

There are two major events coming up that you have to plan. As long as you try to please me, and work as hard as you can, I will take care of the rest. Why are you so worried, you are thinking too much about pleasing other people, rather than God - learn from the lesson of Marta and Marian...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Take Your Focus off the Failures

Don't focus on the $$$ failures or hardships right now, but rather on the relationship successes in your life. You have more than nearly anyone you know, with your huge networks - you are a lot richer than you can ever realize, if you stop looking to the wrong arenas for success.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is it really this easy?

Is it really this easy, just give it all over to him, and focus on the things that really matter - God Filling relationships - and the rest will take care of itself. It seems to be, but it cannot! This peace I feel, the love in life, not worries about looming finances. It cannot be this easy - Gotta go out and find a way to complicate it and mess it all up.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Take Care of My People

Fill Your Life with My People and I will care of the rest. Fill your business, your personal life with my people and I will take care of everything else. Don't worry how, I work in ways you cannot see.

Take care of my people first, not worrying about money, time or effort and I will take care of you.

But who are my people - are they your people? Are they different than you would want to be around. Can you discern who I died for and did not? It sounds easy, but is it?

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Great Generals Won...

In History, the great generals won when it was easy, not in the heat of battle like the movies. They won on paper and internally before they ever set out. Do warriors sharpen their swords AFTER a battle, do musicians tune their intsruments AFTER a concert.Why then do you pray to me when it is too late for you. Why do you not come to me before the battles, to ensure victory, or be sure of which battles to fight. The key to vicotry is to win first, by coming to me, and then to fight second.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Go as Fast as You Want My Son

Go as fast as you want son, I won't let you fall! I have promised you so much, and yet you still hold back. When you were riding bicycles with your son today, and you were behind him, and told him to go as fast as he can, because there was nothing to be afraid of, you would catch him if he fell. He trusted you 100%. Trust me the same, I won't let you fall my son, I promise you, not trust me.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Work and Pray Together

First pray, as if everything depended on me; then work as if everything depended on you. Prayer without work is often laziness, and work without prayers is wasted motion. But the two together can accomplish anything, when done with faith.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Grace is All You Need

My grace is all you need. it can and will achieve anything. What in your life is seperating it from you? What area of life is unturned? What area of life is not resloved and preventing my grace from reaching you. With it, you are still incapable, but it will allow me to achieve all things through me.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Who is Controlling Who

Riding my bike by the ocean today, I was struck by a sense of awe at my own arrogance. The way I tell God what needs to be done, when and how. I know so much, and God seems to know so little, if you ever listen to the way I pray. I am a drop, yet he formed the oceans with a single word. The drop that controlled the Ocean, someone should write a story about me.